Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Mary's Chapel VBS 2013

      This week we have been participating in VBS at Mary's Chapel. I was a team leader, and Rylee was in the Pre-K group. We both had so much fun this week. It was an amazing experience.
      Monday night, Rylee got the chance to be the flag-holder for her group. She was so proud! She took VBS very seriously. As soon as we would walk in, she would go straight to her spot with her group and start singing and dancing along with the videos. She was intent on doing what she was supposed to do each night even if it made he unhappy that she couldn't sit with me and my group. She had a few moments when she let little things upset her, but she did very well for being in a totally unfamiliar situation. We didn't have a single meltdown!
    I am also amazed at how much she actually picked up from the lessons. Every night we would come home and she would tell her daddy about what she learned. My favorite was last night when she told him, "I made a cross. It matches my shirt. I love my cross because Jesus died for all my sins." How precious is that?! It blessed my heart and I just know it touched the heart of God.
     Tonight, I got tears in my eyes as I watched her stand at the front of the room and sing and dance along to every praise song. She was so into what she was doing, and you could tell she was putting her whole heart into praise and worship time. Hearing my child say, "There will be no more crying or dying when we go to see the King," just really touched my heart. She learned that from one of our songs: "Soon and Very Soon."
    I am so proud of my big girl this week, but I also made a lot of new friends and had a great time with the big kids in my group. We got to participate in different activities together that taught us all about salvation and how being a believer helps us to STAND STRONG! I am so happy that I signed up to help with VBS this year. It was such a blessing!

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