Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day 2013

     Today is Father's Day, and I am so thankful to have this man on my parenting team. Together we are raising one pretty cool kid, and soon she will have a little sister for us to parent as well. I feel beyond blessed. My girls are lucky to have such an awesome daddy!
     When we got up this morning, Rylee helped me make breakfast for her daddy. We made raspberry pancakes, scrambled eggs, and sausage. He loved waking up to a big, warm meal. After breakfast, Rylee gave him the card she made him earlier this week. It included a cute little poem, her footprints, and one of my favorite photos of them together. Then we headed to church for a wonderful Father's Day service. After church, we went and visited with Ryan's parents for a little bit, and now both Ryan and Rylee are sleeping.
          This week, we spent most of our time in the pool. Rylee is such a little water bug, and my favorite thing about summer is being in the water! We love Nonna and Granddaddy's pool, but when we're home, Rylee can typically be found in her kiddie pool. She is just a water-loving kid! :) Payton reacts to the cold water at first, but then typically relaxes while I'm in the water. I think she likes swimming, too!
      Today at church, Rylee answered questions about her daddy, and I wanted to record them here, so I could remember her answers for years to come. I love the sweet way she filled in the blanks. This little girl sure does love her daddy!
"My daddy's name is Ryan. He is 2 years old, 6 tall, and 10 pounds. His favorite food is pancakes. My daddy is really good at riding the blue four-wheeler. He loves to play with me. My favorite thing to do with my dad is ride the four-wheeler. I'm just like my dad because I like donuts. What I love most about my daddy is when we play puzzles. It makes my dad happy when I kiss him."

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