Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Rylee is 3!

     Well, it's official. My first born baby is 3! I cannot believe how time has flown! We started celebrating her birthday on Thursday night with a trip to Incredible Pizza with Kade and Bailey. All three kiddos had an absolute blast and then each of them ate an insane amount of pizza. It was the perfect way to kick-off Rylee's birthday celebrations.
      Friday was Rylee's birthday, so I spent the day making sure she had a perfect day. Ryan had to work Friday night, so he had to sleep during the day, so I took that time to spend the morning spoiling Rylee. First, I made her her favorite breakfast: raspberry pancakes. Then, we played together and practiced writing her name (her idea!). After that, I took her to a local nail salon to get her fingernails and toenails painted. It was her first time in a salon, but she had a blast. She was perfect for the whole experience.
      After we finished getting her nails done, we headed to Aunt Mary's work to get a sucker. Then we had lunch with Aunt Mary, Aunt Liz, and Kade. Rylee was crazy hyper all morning long, but she was still very well behaved. I love my good girl!
     When we got home from lunch, we took a nap. When we all got up, Ryan and I gave Rylee her big birthday present this year: a Power Wheels four-wheeler! She has been asking for one for months, so I just knew she would love it, but at first it seemed like I might be wrong. She was very timid about trying it out, but once she finally gave it a chance she LOVED it.
     For dinner, we ordered pizza because it is Rylee's favorite dinner. Nonna, Granddaddy, Aunt Mel, Uncle Josh, and Austin all came for dinner and spent time with the birthday girl. Rylee and Austin had a blast playing outside after dinner. Austin even got the chance to ride Rylee's new four-wheeler. Then, the 2 crazy kiddos decided to strip down to their undies (a diaper for Austin) and get in Rylee's pool. Ha!
     Today was Rylee's birthday party. Her party guests included Aunt Liz, Uncle Brandon, Kade, Aunt Mary, Bailey, Aunt Mel, Uncle Josh, Austin, Nonna, Granddaddy, Granny, Paw Paw, Great Aunt Vicki, Cousin Emilee, Cousin Matt, Cousin Amber, Jenna, Ms. Kala, Whit, and baby Eden. We had a full house!
     Rylee got absolutely spoiled when it comes to gifts and she had an absolute blast playing with all her friends. Her party was crazy and chaotic as all children's birthday parties are, but everyone seemed to have a ball!
     After presents, came cupcakes and then the kids got to pull string from a piñata until the candy came out. After all the indoor fun, we took Rylee outside to see her other gift from Mommy and Daddy: a water table. After Rylee got to see her new gifts, all the kids (and some adults) participated in water stations that included Rylee's new water table, Rylee's pool, a sprinkler, water balloons, and water guns. The kids had a blast in the water on such a hot day!
    After the party was over, and most of the guests had left, Rylee, Kade, and Bailey rode four-wheelers. They had a blast doing laps around the house until they were red-faced, thirsty, tired, and hungry. Then Ryan, Rylee, and I headed to dinner with Nonna, Aunt Mel, Uncle Josh, and Austin.
    I cannot believe my sweet girl is 3, but I must say that she has had the best 3rd birthday a little girl could ask for! This mama is bone-tired, the house is a wreck, and a certain 3-year-old has been up past her bedtime 3 nights in a row, but it has all been worth hearing my little girl say, "Thank you, mommy. I had the best birthday ever!" Some people are against big celebrations for children's birthdays, but when I think of how much joy this child has brought into our lives, I can't help but want to celebrate her birth in the biggest way that I can each year. She may be a little too spoiled, but it's only because she is very much loved! :) Happy Birthday, Rylee Love! You are named appropriately because you are the one who taught your Daddy and I just how much we could love someone.

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