Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Christmas 2013

      The girls started their Christmas celebration last Thursday with their preschool Christmas party. They participated in a gift exchange, making present for home, and they each received gifts from their teachers. When Rylee got home, she said, "I didn't eat the food, it was yucky, but I got a Barbie, and a pretend Santa came. So Christmas is over, now?" Sweet girl she would have been happy with just that one gift, but that's why it's so easy to spoil her rotten, because she's got such a good heart.
     As a family, we started our Christmas celebration last Sunday with our church's Christmas breakfast. We had a wonderful time in fellowship with one another, sang Christmas songs, and heard a great message on Isaiah 53. It was good food and a good time.
     Next came our intimate family Christmas celebration. It has been our tradition to open our presents on Christmas Eve and it works out so the kids get a chance to play with their toys, and there's no rush like there would be on Christmas Day. We woke up Christmas Eve morning and it was present time. The girls got so spoiled. But Rylee brought me to tears when she insisted that Payton open her presents first and she opened every single one of Payton's gifts for her before she even touched one of hers. It was definitely a proud mama moment. I swear Rylee is the sweetest big sister ever. She may express her emotions differently than other children, but she sure is a sweetie! After they opened all their gifts, we surprised them with their big gifts which were hiding in the playroom. Rylee got a huge wooden dollhouse and Payton got a jungle-themed exersaucer. They sure are spoiled!
     Then we headed to the Jones residence for our annual Christmas Eve party. We had a lot of fun exchanging gifts, watching the kids play, and eating junk food. We all got great gifts and the girls got even more spoiled. After dinner, we sang Happy Birthday to Jesus and ate cake. It was a good night, but both of my girls were a little over stimulated after a long day and after the millionth meltdown, we decided to head home and let them get a good night's rest before Christmas day.
      Christmas day was the busiest day of all. We started out by opening our stockings at home. We all got some great little goodies in there. Rylee got nail polish and insisted I give her a manicure right then. Of course, I loved to and was glad she liked her gift so much.
     Then we got ready and headed over to Granny and Paw Paws for Christmas breakfast. We ate and then opened presents. The girls got tons of stuff and got totally spoiled. After the presents were opened, we all sat back and watched Rylee, Austin, and Jenna play. They have such a good time together, especially since they don't get to play together very often. And little miss Payton got to enjoy being passed around and loved on by everyone.
      After we headed home for naptime, we headed over to Nonna and Granddaddy to celebrate with them and Mel, Josh, and Austin. We had a delicious Christmas dinner, during which Payton took a nap on the kitchen floor! And then we opened presents, and more presents, and more presents. The girls got SO many great things, and so did Ryan and I. We were all very blessed this Christmas. Rylee had the best time playing with Austin's new train tracks, and she got a new Nabi tablet from Nonna and Granddaddy. She is going to be too busy playing to have any time for anything else throughout the rest of this Christmas break!
     Tonight we wrapped up our Christmas celebrations with Christmas with my parents. Didn't the kids look adorable in their coordinating PJs?! We watched the kids ride fourwheelers, opened gifts, ate dinner, and enjoyed watching the kids play. After the evening was over, Rylee insisted on going home with Aunt Liz for a sleepover. she lasted about 2 hours, but when it came time to go to sleep, she decided she wanted her mommy and Uncle Brandon took her home. Overall, we had a fantastic Christmas and our kids got way too spoiled. Now I'm looking forward to spending the next week with my sweet girls, watching them enjoy their new toys!

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