Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Holiday Fun

      Last night, we took the kids out to dinner and then to Christmas City to see the Christmas lights. It was a little chilly, but we had a lot of fun. Rylee was the first one to meltdown, but in her defense, she had the least amount of warm clothing and she is usually in bed by 8, and it was just after 8 when she fell apart.
      It was too cold to get Payton out, especially since she has had a little cold all week. So Ryan stayed home with her while Rylee and I went to Christmas City. I missed Ryan and Payton, but I had a blast and I loved the chance to focus completely on my Rylee girl.
      Last weekend, we had a 3-day weekend due to a "snow day." Unfortunately we didn't get any snow, just yucky ice, so we spent the weekend inside in the nice warm house. The girls had a blast playing together, though. Rylee is loving that Payton is doing more now, and they just have a ball together.
      Today, we went tot church. The girls wore cute Christmassy dresses. After church, we went to lunch to celebrate granddaddy's birthday, then the girls went to Nonna and Granddaddy's house, while Ryan and I went and did a little more Christmas shopping. Plus, I had to get a new camera because mine stopped working suddenly last night at Christmas City. I was sad when it broke, but I am excited now because I have a new, even better camera to capture the rest of our holiday memories with!

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