Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Payton's First 4th of July

        We have had an amazing time celebrating Independence Day. Summer is definitely our favorite time of year, so Independence Day is always a fun holiday to celebrate. Other than Labor Day, it is Payton's last "first" holiday. It makes me sad that time has flown by so quickly, she will be a year old before we know it!
     We started our celebration last Saturday by traveling to Middle TN to visit Grandma and Grandpa. Aunt Shannon and Uncle Rod were there visiting them, so Payton was able to meet them for the first time. We headed to a local fireworks show. The kids were able to jump in bouncy houses and play on a playground while we waited for it to get dark enough for the show to begin. Once the show started, it was beautiful. Everyone had a really good time. It was pretty loud, so Rylee was a little timid, but she enjoyed herself, and Payton was very interested in all the colors at first, but got pretty tired and grouchy by the end. It was way passed her bedtime!
      Sunday morning, we got up and headed to a park to swim. The water was chilly, but the kids didn't mind. After swimming was ended abruptly by rain, we headed back to Grandma and Grandpa's for a delicious BBQ lunch. The kids made strawberry shortcake with Aunt Shannon for dessert. They were such cute little helpers. She even had them all the most perfect little aprons. It was adorable. After dessert, we headed home. We all had a good time, but we were tired out from all the fun.
    We continued our Independence Day celebration by heading to Georgia on Thursday. We got there in time to go to Mellow Mushroom for a pizza dinner, where Payton was able to meet her great grandmother, "Maw Maw," for the first time. We had a good time hanging out with everyone and eating until we were stuffed (Rylee ate 5 pieces of pizza!) Then we went back to Aunt Andrea's and Uncle Phil's and put the girls to bed and watched a little TV before we were ready for bed ourselves. It had been a long day!
      Then we got up early Friday morning, the 4th, and ate a wonderful breakfast that Aunt Andrea prepared for us, and then we headed to the Peachtree City 4th of July Parade. It was so much fun riding in the golf carts to the parade. Rylee though we were in the parade because the golf carts were so beautifully decorated! Once the parade got started, Rylee made out! She smiled and waved at everyone who passed, and ended up with a huge bag FULL of candy because of it. Payton enjoyed watching all the floats pass by, and she was smiling and watching the whole time.
     After the parade, we went back to their house for a little while and Ryles played bubble with Uncle Phil while Payton napped. Once Payton woke up, we headed to the pool. We were going to drive, but Rylee wanted to ride in the golf carts again, and with Uncle Phil whatever Rylee wants, Rylee gets, so we rode the golf cart to the pool. The girls had fun in the water. It was such a nice day, not too hot like July can be, but warm and sunny enough to enjoy a nice swim.
       When we got back from the pool, both girls fell asleep. Then we had a cookout to celebrate the 4th. We all pigged out and enjoyed each other's company. Then it was time to head to the fireworks show. We rode the golf carts to the golf course and the fireworks were shot over a lake near the course. It was absolutely gorgeous. We were much farther from the fireworks during this show, so Rylee was much less timid and actually watched the show and commented on all the different colors. Payton was tired and grouchy, but she calmed when we gave her some snacks and enjoyed the show.
      Saturday we enjoyed a quiet morning at the house. We all took turns playing double solitaire against Alex who beat everyone nearly every time. And Rylee played board games with Aunt Andrea. After a while, Nonna, Granddaddy, Mel, and Austin came by and they took the girls to the park while we headed to a shooting range. It was a different way to spend a Saturday. I had never been before, but I did shoot a few time and was proud of myself for actually hitting the target! When we got back, we played cards some more then had homemade enchiladas for dinner. They were so good, I ate 4! Then we played cards some more. Then we took a golf cart ride to a local ice cream shop. Payton had her first taste of ice cream, and she was so funny. She was begging for more. When we got back from the ice cream shop, we lit a few sparklers and some roman candles. It was a lot of fun. Then it was bedtime for the girls, and we played Uno until it was time for us to go to bed.
      Today we headed home, and Rylee is already asking to go back. She has told me multiple times that "Uncle Phil said I can come back soon!"I am glad she had such a good time. I had an amazing time celebrating the 4th with my family last weekend and with Ryan's family in Georgia. It has been crazy with all the traveling we've been doing, but it has been fun. I am beyond exhausted now, and I have a (hopeful) feeling the girls will sleep well tonight, too.

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