Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Friday, July 25, 2014

10 Months!

      I cannot believe my baby is 10 months old! Time seriously needs to slow down! She is around 20 lbs (75th percentile) and 28 in. long (75th percentile). She wears size 12 M clothes and size 18 M sleepers, but lately I've been letting her sleep in a 12 M onesie since it's summer. She wears size 4 diapers. She is almost into size 3 shoes, but her tiny feet can still fit in a size 2 (3-6 month) shoe! Anytime I put shoes on her, she immediately pulls them off, so it's pretty pointless. She goes to bed around 7-7:30 pm and wakes up and feeds around 6 am, then goes back to bed until around 8. This will be the last week of that though because school starts back next week! :( She takes 2 naps per day usually around 10 and 2. She typically naps about 1 hour at each nap time. She likes to nap with one paci in her mouth and one in her hand. It cracks me up. She has also become super attached to her silky. I hope she does okay without it at school next week. She is such a little chatter bug and has become mimicking what we say. The cutest one lately is "uh-oh!"
  She now has 3 teeth. 2 bottom in the middle and one on top over to the right. She has finally mastered crawling, and she is into EVERYTHING. Her favorite place to try to explore is the bathroom. We are in the process of trying to get Rylee to keep the door closed, but if she forgets, Payton makes a mad dash. Luckily, so far she is more interested in the bathtub (and trying to get to the bath toys) than the toilet, but I don't want her to discover the toilet just yet! She has been exploring nonstop since she mastered crawling, and I never know what she is going to be into next! We also had to lower her crib because she has mastered pulling herself up on the side, and when it was up higher, she was nearly able to tumble out. I decided we should lower it before that happened!
     Her sippy cup transition didn't go as planned because she hated the hard spout cups, so we have switched her to a larger soft spout cup. She likes it a lot. She drinks a full one of water each day. I decided to leave her on bottles for now to make her transition back to daycare easier. I will take them away at 1. She eats mostly table food now. For breakfast she usually eats either a piece of whole wheat toast or a waffle, and maybe some fruit or cheerios if she's still acting hungry. For lunch she likes grilled cheese, yogurt, or some of whatever I'm having. And for dinner she eats what we're eating. On nights when I don't cook, I have some baby food as back up, but I usually end up cooking because she prefers table food. I breastfeed her first thing in the morning,  in between meals for her "snacks," and once before bed. Once school starts back, she is going to have formula at daycare, and I'll continue to breastfeed at home. I decided it wasn't worth it to pump at work anymore at this point, since she gets most of her nutrition from food these days and she's getting closer to 1.
      She still loves the outdoors. She wants to get down and explore, though, and I'm just not ready to let her. But when she's in a swing or in the water, she is as happy as can be. we spend a lot of time out on the deck, and she can explore there, so she loves that. She is just so curious about everything and now that she can move, she's going to try to figure everything out!
     It's strange to me to see her with no more drainage coming from her eye, but it has been perfect since the day she had her probe done. I love her bright blue eyes, and now it seems they shine even brighter without that yucky gunk. She is such a happy baby - always smiling or laughing. She definitely is our little Joy!

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