Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Granny's 80th Surprise Party! {Video Included}

       Today is Granny's 80th birthday. We had a surprise party for her Saturday night, and it was such a precious moment when she walked in and was moved to tears that everyone had pulled off such a big surprise! Don't you just love Ryan's wonderful singing voice?! Haha!
      We had such a wonderful time celebrating such a wonderful lady. We love Granny so very much. She does so much for everyone without ever asking for anything in return. If I'm ever in a bind and need someone to help out with the girls, I know I can call her and she'll take amazing care of them while I'm doing whatever needs to be done. I appreciate her so very much, and to see how much she loves my girls just melts my heart.
     She loves all of her great-grands that way. But this is what happens when you try to get 4 toddlers to take a picture together. It's so funny, it's kind of cute. Haha! I love these crazy kiddos. They had a blast at Granny's party. They don't all get to get together and play very much, but they have a blast when they do.
     Ryan and Matt called out the BINGO numbers while I played with the kids and the adults played BINGO. The prizes included a SMTWTFS pill separator, Icyhot wraps, and other gag gifts that an elderly person might need. It's funny a lot of times it's easy to forget that Granny is old, she is so active and spunky. She cracks me up. Our gift got delayed in shipping (even though I paid extra to make sure it would be shipped in time-UGH!), so Ryan dropped it off yesterday. We made her a photo book of different moments of her with her great-grands so far. It turned out really cute, but I was sad it wasn't here in time for her to be able to open it at her party.
     I know 2 little girls who love their Granny very very much and enjoyed celebrating her birthday with her. Happy 80th, Granny! We love you to the moon!

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