Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Mary's Chapel VBS 2014

     Tonight we wrapped up our final night of VBS, and it has been a lot of fun. Our theme this year was Agency D3 (Discover, Decide, Defend - Pete 3:15). Rylee was so excited about being a "Secret Agent." All the kids seemed to enjoy the theme and the activities that went along with it.

     Rylee was technically supposed to go with the the Preschool ages 3-5 group, but I was a group leader for the 1st-2nd grade group, and she decided she wanted to stay with me on Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights. She did go with her group on Monday night, though. Tuesday night we missed VBS because Payton was sick, and Ryan didn't feel up to taking care of her on his own because his knee was hurting badly. I didn't mind keeping Rylee in my group because she didn't cling to me or stay in my lap or anything, she just wanted to be in the same room as me. She did all the activities that the other children did, and for being 2-4 years younger than everyone else in the group, she fit in really well. I feel like she learned a lot this week. I know there are times she has to be away from me, but after trying to force her to go with her group and reducing her to tears over it, I thought if it's not bothering anyone and she's still learning about Jesus, why does it matter which group she goes with?! It's one thing to leave her crying at daycare when I have to go to work. There is no way to avoid that. She can't come with me to work. But if I don't have to leave her and she doesn't want me to, why force it?
   We ended up having a wonderful time at VBS and I was so proud of my group. We started out with 3 girls + Rylee on Sunday night, and ended up with 5 girls and 3 boys + Rylee on tonight. And they all were listening to the stories and answering questions like pros. It's a beautiful thing to see children learning about Jesus. Rylee made me so proud when she came home and told her daddy, "Did you know Jesus is better than a good man? He is God's son. You can read it in the Bible." She sure soaks everything in.

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