Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Monday, July 14, 2014

Crazy Busy and Lots of Fun!

     This past week has been INSANE! It was completely jam-packed, some days were lots of fun and others were not so much. It definitely made for a crazy week! Monday kicked off the madness with Rylee's very first dentist appointment. Her pediatrician referred her to a pediatric dentist because she sucks her fingers when she sleeps, and he wanted to make sure it was not affecting her dental health. She had her teethed cleaned and she did so well at first, but as soon as the hygienist tried to rinse her mouth out, Rylee freaked out, but I was still proud of her because she was super brave for 90% of the appointment and even calmed down after her freak out and let the dentist examine her teeth. He said she is in perfect dental health and that unless something changes, he sees nothing wrong with allowing her to wean herself off of sucking her fingers in her own time, especially since she only does it to fall asleep.

     Tuesday, I had a literacy brunch to attend at work that morning. That afternoon Ryan and I took Payton to Memphis for her surgery to unblock her tear duct. It was a quick probe and she did not have to be put asleep but she absolutely HATED being held down by the nurses, and she let them know exactly how much she did not like it. I waited in the waiting room, and Ryan stayed with her. It took less than a minute, and she has been good as new ever since. She had a little nosebleed directly following the procedure, and there was a tiny bit of dried blood in the corner of her eye the next morning, but that was it. She never acted like it hurt or bothered her at all, and her eye has been crystal clear ever since!

     Wednesday, Liz and I took our kiddos to Mellow Mushroom for some pizza then Kid's Play in Germantown. We love that they are right next door to one another; it makes for the perfect play date! The kids ate a ton of pizza and then played and played and played for over 3 hours. It was a lot of fun. Even Payton found a lot of fun toys she could play with! It was a very quiet ride back home! ;)
       Thursday, I had to go to the dentist and have my top 2 wisdom teeth pulled. That was definitely not fun, but it wasn't as bad as I feared, but I had A LOT of jaw pain after the extraction, and I still do 4 days later, but it gets a little better each day.
     Friday night, we took the kids to the Ripley Tomato Festival. It was a lot of fun watching the kiddos ride rides and have a blast. Payton stayed home with Ryan because it was a bit too hot and a bit too late for her, but they had a nice night in while we had a fun night out! I was sad I couldn't enjoy any fair food because of my sore mouth, by I did manage to have a few bites of funnel cake!
     Saturday morning, we took the kids to the Atoka Splash Pad. They had so much fun running around in the sprinklers. It was a great way to cool off on a hot Saturday. Payton was glad to be included in the splashing fun.
    And to wrap up the craziness, today Ryan had to have surgery to have a large mole removed from his knee. He's had it ever since he can remember, but recently it has begun to change shape and color, and bleed out at times, and it just needed to go. The doctor said it's most likely a hemangionoma, but it did have some characteristics of melanoma, so it has been sent off for testing. He has several stitches in his knee from the removal, and they ended up having to cut down pretty deep to remove the entire mole because it had attached to his knee cap. So say a few prayers for him for a quick recovery. And also say some prayers that the test results come back completely clear!

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