Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Austin's Birthday Party & Zoo Lights

      Yesterday, we had a very busy day, but a very fun-filled day! We celebrated Austin's first birthday with his first birthday party yesterday! It was a great party. Everyone seemed to have a very good time and the kids all had a blast. Austin didn't understand the opening presents part yet, but he got lots of good stuff. I was so mad that I left my camera at home, so I didn't get any pictures of all the fun, but it was a great time. I cannot believe that this little man will be 1 on Wednesday. It really does seem like he was just born! He is the cutest little buddy. He has such a sweet face and smile, he can light up any room. Happy 1st birthday, Austin Charles! We love you!
       After we left Austin's party, we headed to Memphis to go to Zoo Lights. We had so much fun. The girls were absolutely thrilled and they were happy the whole time. We didn't have a single melt down or freak out or even a single tear. It was a fantastic time.
      The lights were absolutely beautiful, and the girls loved them, but they loved the animals even more. Bailey has never been to the zoo before, so we'll have to take her back during the spring when she can see all of the animals. They only had a few animal exhibits open since it was night time. Rylee was amazed by the reindeer, Bailey wanted to keep her distance because of their horns, but she still enjoyed them from afar.
     We rode on a train that went all the way around the little farm animals exhibit, then we rode a tram that went all around the zoo so we could see all the lights, and for the grand finale we rode the Ferris wheel! The girls loved it! It was so high, that we were worried they would get a little uneasy, but it didn't phase either one of them a bit. They were looking out and taking everything in the whole time. It was the bets possible way to end the night. We look forward to going back again next year.

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