Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, December 2, 2012

My Little Man is Growing Up

       It's sad, but true! Kaden Scott will be 2 tomorrow! We have spent the weekend celebrating his life, and it has been so much fun. This little boy is loved by so many, and it's easy to see why. He is just the cutest! And I must say he's also the most well-mannered. I love him like my own!
      Saturday was his birthday party. It was John Deere themed. Even Rylee and Bailey wore John Deere outfits to fit in. It was a huge success. Kaden got so many great toy, and everyone had a wonderful time! The kids played and played and played. The party started at 2 and Rylee and I didn't leave until 8:30 because the kids were having so much fun!
      Today we headed to Chuck-E-Cheese to continue celebrating his big day. Te kids loved Incredible Pizza for Rylee's birthday, so we had to do something like it for Kade's special day. It was a blast. It was way more fun this time than it was for Rylee's birthday, it's crazy how quickly they grow, but they were able to play many more games this time and they seemed to be better able to enjoy all the activities.
    We sure do love this little man and couldn't imagine our lives without his infectious laugh. Happy birthday, Kade-man! We can't wait to see all you become!

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