Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Friday, December 7, 2012

Christmas City 2012

     Tonight we went to Christmas City in Burlison, just outside of Covington, and we had an absolute blast! Liz and I took the kids last year and we had fun, but this year was so much better! The kids were old enough to really react to all the beautiful lights, and plus this year Bailey and Mary got to come with us, too!
     First we went to La Huazteca and had a yummy Mexican dinner. In true-to-form fashion, Bailey and Rylee shared a kid's pizza plate, but everyone else enjoyed their Mexican food. All 3 kids sat in regular seats, no high chairs or boosters, and it was kind of sad how they've grown up on us! After dinner while checks were being paid, Liz and I took Rylee and Kade outside and they were being silly on the chairs in front of the restaurant.
      When we got to Christmas City, Kade headed to go talk to Santa, while Rylee and Bailey went to get their faces painted. When we headed back to meet up, Kade was just getting his turn to sit on Santa's lap. He did not like being so close to a stranger. Rylee's exact words while observing were, "Mommy, I don't want to sit on the old man." Haha! But she decided he was a "nice old man" after he gave Kade a bag of candy. ;) When we got on the train to tour the campgrounds and see all of the lights, the kids were amazed. They all loved every minute of the ride. We stayed on the train and went around the grounds twice because they were so into it. Rylee wanted to stay on the train, and I bet she would have ridden all night long! After we got off the train, we grabbed some funnel cakes and headed home. The kids were thoroughly worn out from a night of Christmas fun.
     I love making memories like this with my Rylee-girl. I couldn't imagine a better job in this world than being her Mommy and showing her all the best things in life. Just judging by her reactions to all the fun things we've been doing lately, I would say that this is going to be our best Christmas yet! It just keeps getting better. :)

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