Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas(es) 2012

       This Christmas has been busy, busy, busy. School got out on Thursday, the 20th, at noon and we were on the road headed to Georgia to visit Ryan's family before 2. We haven't stopped running since. Christmas in Georgia was a lot of fun. We visited with family, ate lots of good food, and opened presents. We stayed from Thursday night until Sunday morning. Sunday morning we headed to Mel, Josh, and Austin's house to celebrate Christmas with them. It was so much fun.
     Monday was Christmas eve, we took advantage of a quiet house that morning since Mary and Bailey were out and opened our gifts from each other. We usually open our gifts on Christmas eve, it's been our little tradition, so it worked out great. Rylee got lots of good stuff, and she had a ton of fun opening her gifts. Ryan and I also got some good gifts, including a new camera for me and an Ab Rocket for him. We are very blessed.
      Monday evening, we headed over to Liz, Brandon, and Kade's house to have the 3 cousins' little Christmas party. They got lots of good gifts, but most of all, they had a lot of fun playing together. They were wild all night and they all enjoyed playing and playing.
      Christmas morning we woke up, opened stockings, then headed to Granny and Paw Paw's for Christmas breakfast. It was great. Again, Rylee got tons of great gifts, and we had a good time visiting with family.
       When we got home from Christmas breakfast, Ma and Pa arrived to celebrate Christmas with us. We were excited to be able to spend Christmas day with them, because it has been 3 years since we've been together for Christmas. It was wonderful. We had so much fun visiting, playing, laughing, eating, and opening gifts.  It was really fantastic.
      Friday evening, we met Nonna and Granddaddy for dinner, then headed to their house to celebrate Christmas with them. Rylee got spoiled beyond belief! She had so many gifts to open that she had to take breaks in between! She loves her Nonna and Granddaddy so, and she sure has them wrapped around her little finger! They spoil her rotten, and I love it! Ryan and I both got several gifts as well. We were very blessed this year.
    We all got a lot of great gifts this Christmas, but the greatest gift is the gift of family. When Jesus was born to Mary, she began the enormous job of raising the Christ. I am forever thankful for that gift, and also for the gift of my sweet little family. We had a very merry Christmas, I hope you and yours did as well!

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