Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Friday, December 21, 2012

Half Birthday

      Happy half birthday to my Rylee Love! I cannot believe that my BABY is two and a half! She is growing more beautiful, more full of life, and more intelligent everyday. I love her with my whole heart, and I am so very blessed to be this angel's mommy!
      Rylee wears size 3T clothes and size 7/8 shoes. She is just over 3 feet tall and weighs about 27 lbs. She wears big girls panties all day, even during naps, but still wears a pull-up to sleep at night, mostly because we still have pull-ups to use. Once they are gone, she will not wear anything but panties 24/7. She is fully potty trained and has not had any accidents in the last month, except when she was sick with a stomach virus. She eats well and sleeps well. Her picky eating has gotten better gradually, but she's still very opinionated about what she eats.
       And she is just the smartest toddler I have ever met. She has such a love for learning and she picks up on everything she comes across. We don't have to sit down and drill her for her to learn new things, but we do try to work with her a little each day, for about 20 minutes each morning, and she just keeps on learning. Her vocabulary is clear and phenomenal, sometimes she says thing that just blow me away. She can identify all of her letters, lowercase and capital, and she knows which sound each letter makes. She also knows that vowels make 2 sounds. She can identify her written name and tell you how to spell it one letter at a time. She knows her full name and age. She knows all of her 2D (square, circle, triangle, rectangle, star, heart, oval, arrow, crescent, pentagon, octagon, hexagon, trapezoid, parallelogram, quadrafoil, diamond) and 3D shapes (sphere, cone, cylinder, cube, pyramid,  rectangular prism, hexagonal prism, octagonal prism). She knows all of her colors, and she knows that red and blue make purple and red and yellow make orange. She can count to 20 with one-to-one correspondence. She shows a lot of signs of pre-literacy, like pointing to each word in a book and saying one word for each word written. Right now, she's learning her days of the week and months of the year. She pretty much knows everything. Haha. Can you tell I am just a little bit proud of my sweet girl?!

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