Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Saturday, December 1, 2012


        Tomorrow is my twenty third birthday, but Ryan and I celebrated it last night since today and tomorrow we will be celebrating Kade-man's big day. Ryan made me a yummy dark chocolate cake, and when I got home from work yesterday he had me flowers, a card, and a gift on the table. These things make me happy. :)
       Rylee spent the night with Nonna and Granddaddy last night. She had a blast. It's fine for every once in a while because they love it and she enjoys it so, but I sure do miss her when she's away! Plus I wouldn't want her getting too spoiled. Haha! As if she isn't already spoiled enough. I love my little princess!
       Ryan and I went to Jackson and ate at Olive Garden and finished up our Christmas shopping. We had a lot of fun. It was a little weird to stay out late and not worry about baths and bedtime stories and such, but it is good to get out every once in a while. Tomorrow on my actual birthday we are spending the day taking the kids to Chuck-e-Cheese to celebrate Kade turning 2. That will be the perfect way to spend the day!

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