Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Monday, November 25, 2013

2 Months Old

      I can't believe it's been 2 whole months since my sweet Payton was born. She is growing so quickly. She wears size 0-3 onesies and pants but size 3-6 sleepers and long-alls. She wears size 1 diapers, but we're moving up to size 2 once we finish the pack we're on now. She drinks 4-5 oz of breastmilk every 3 hours during the day. She goes 4-6 hours between feedings during the night depending on the day. She still is exclusively breastfed, we haven't had to give her any formula yet-yay! We went to the Dr. today for her 2 months check up and shots, and she weighed 12 lbs 4 oz and was 22.5 in. tall. She did okay with her shots, but she has been a bit fussy this evening.
      She is getting stronger and more alert every day. If you tell her "hi!" she will mimic you and say "hi!" back. I know she's not really talking, but I think that counts as a first word! ;) She loves her playmat and her swing. When she's home she alternates between the two whenever she's not being held. She likes tummy time now, and is starting to play with her toys.
       On the left is Rylee at just over 2 months, and on the right is Payton at just under 2 months. I haven't really thought that my girls favored each other at all, but I can see that they do have some resemblances. Even though I may be biased, I think they are 2 of the prettiest babies in the whole world.

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