Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Thanksgiving in Middle TN

         Yesterday morning, the alarm went off at 4 AM, but it was okay because it was letting us know it was time to get up and get ready to go to Middle TN to visit Grandma and Grandpa for Thanksgiving! Ryan was sick with cough and fever, so we left him in bed to rest up and we were on our way. Both girls did great on the 3.5 hour car ride there, and again on the long ride back. I was proud of my sweet babies for being so good!
       We had a lot of fun spending time with family, and Payton was held nearly the entire time. As you can see, she really enjoyed all the cuddle time. She was a little unsure about the new experience, but overall she did great.
       Even though it was pretty cold, we got to spend some time outside. The kids would have been so upset if they couldn't play outside at grandma and grandpa's "treehouse!" After an amazing Thanksgiving lunch, we took a long walk through the woods. It was really pretty and good exercise after a little over-indulgence.
      After our walk, we came in and the kids helped decorate the house for Christmas. They enjoyed themselves maybe a little too much, and the results were a little chaotic, but cute. After all was decorated, we had some pie, the kids jumped on Grandma and Grandpa's bed one more time, then it was time to head home.
      Because Ryan was sick, I was awake much of Friday night. 4 AM came mighty early, and I was pretty worn out. On top of that, I drove the whole trip there and back. And taking care of both girls by myself in a different environment is more difficult than usual. Luckily I had lots of help in that area, and I'm thankful for my sweet family for looking out for my girls. However, by the time we were heading home, I could barely keep my eyes open. Mary rode with me and kept me entertained, but it was a LONG ride home trying to stay awake and alert. I don't think I have ever been so tired in my entire life. We got home a little after 10. Rylee fell asleep on the way home, and went straight to bed when we got home. I fed Payton, and she went down easily as well, and then it was my turn to pass out.
         Since Rylee went to sleep at 6 (on the way home) she was up just after 6 this morning, but once I gave her breakfast, she was content to play by herself in her play room, so I laid back down. I woke up and couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the clock said 10 AM. Payton was still knocked out. She woke at 3 AM and 6:30 AM to eat, but otherwise slept from 10 PM until NOON. I guess roadtrips really are hard work! I am glad I was able to catch up on some rest as well. Ryan is still under the weather, and I still feel a bit worn down from such a busy week, so today is a lazy day for sure.
      We've already decorate our home for Christmas, so today I am going to wrap some presents. Then I think I may take a bubble bath and just hang out with my sweet girls for the rest of the day. I'm so glad I still have the next 7 days to spend with them!

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