Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

All good things must come to an end...

      This truly is my paradise. I love spending time with my sweet girls. I'm very sad that I will have less time to spend with them starting Monday. It's time for me to go back to work. My first week back includes ESA testing, Thanksgiving lunch, Pilgrims/Indians fish feast, and my first formal evaluation of the year. It is going to be a crazy busy week, and I'm going to have to get the hang of getting us all ready and out the door by 7 am, finding time to pump breast milk for Payton during my lunch time, and getting back into the swing of things with my students. Luckily I only have to go back for 5 days, then we get the full week off for Thanksgiving break, but honestly, I don't know if that's going to make it harder or easier.
     We have been enjoying the last bit of my maternity leave. Friday, I had my 6 week post partum check up. Ryan took off work so he could look after Payton during my check-up, and we made a lunch/shopping date out of it. We got some Christmas shopping done and it really got me excited about this Christmas. It's Payton's first Christmas and our first Christmas as a family of 4. I couldn't be more excited! After we got back, we picked Rylee up from preschool and headed over to visit with Nonna and Granddaddy for a little bit.
     Saturday, we took Rylee out to see Free Birds. She hasn't had very much one-on-one time since Payton has been born, she hasn't whined or complained about it, but we wanted to reward her for being such an awesome big sister. She loved the movie, and has been talking about it nonstop ever since. Ryan and I actually enjoyed the movie, too. It was super cute and funny. We all had a blast, and it was good to be able to focus fully on Rylee for a little while.
      While we were at the movies, Payton got to spend her time being spoiled at Aunt Liz's house. I'm willing to bet the only time she wasn't being held was when Aunt Liz was snapping pictures of her. By the end of the day, Kade told his mommy, "I'm ready for Payton to go home." He loves his cousin, but he loves his mommy more!
     Sunday morning we went to church, then enjoyed a quiet day at home. As the day went on, I started to feel bad and though maybe I was coming down with a cold or something, but it kept getting worse and worse. By Monday morning, my temperature was 102 and wouldn't budge, I had chills, body aches, severe headache, and I just wanted to sleep. I couldn't figure out what was wrong, until I noticed that my right breast was extremely sore, and I couldn't pump very much milk out of it. Turns out I have Mastasis, a bacterial infection in the breast. It's symptoms mimic the flu, but luckily it can be easily treated with antibiotics, fluids, rest, and frequent nursing and/or pumping of the infected breast. Today I feel a little better, and I hope I feel 100% again soon. I want to enjoy these last few days home with my precious Payton before I have to go back to work.

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