Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Payton's First Thanksgiving

      Today is Thanksgiving, and it has been a perfect day. Both of my girls were dressed to a T in their Thanksgiving outfits, and they looked gorgeous as always if I must say so myself. We got dressed up and headed to Granny and Paw Paw's for Thanksgiving lunch. We had a delicious meal and a wonderful time in fellowship with family. I had the best time playing with Jenna Brooke, she kept bringing me books and asking me to read to her, while Payton was being snuggled by Amber. Rylee just played toys most of the time, only stopping to eat a few fries, then go right back to playing.
      I have so much to be thankful for. I am so unbelievably blessed. I am grateful for my Savior, my girls, my husband, my family and family-in-law, my job, and all of my possessions that I don't really need but make my life more comfortable. Right now Ryan is out "Black Friday" shopping (on Thursday..?) getting us our Christmas present: a new tv, it's something that we don't need, but it's so nice to be able to have nice things. I couldn't be happier with where I am in life right now, and I'd like to believe that I'd be just as happy even if we didn't have anything but God and each other.
      Mostly, I am thankful for this. This picture is the perfect example of my life, it's imperfect but beautiful nonetheless. I love my sweet little family and every crazy, hectic, imperfect moment we spend together! Happy Thanksgiving, y'all! Hope you had a great one!

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