Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Goodbye 2015

     2015 is coming to an end. We celebrated at Liz and Brandon's for the 4th year in a row. We always get home before the "crazies" are out, but we have a blast nonetheless. Tonight we played games, watched football, ate chilli, and laughed A LOT. I love family time.
    2015 has been one heck of a year. It started out very, very rough. In the first week of 2015, my BABY suffered from a concussion, and had to undergo a head xray and CT scan. Then, I thought I was going to lose my baby brother, the person who was my best friend from his birth until I was married, but thankfully I was able to witness a miracle first hand, and he pulled through stronger than ever. I took my first plane ride and taxi ride during that whole process, and I survived being away from my kids for almost 4 days. As the year went on, I got fed up with my job and tried as hard as I could to grin and bear it as it pushed me deeper and deeper into stress and anxiety. I was able to resign and accept a new position, a fresh start, which came with it's own stresses and anxieties (although not NEARLY as many ;)). I have hurt more and prayed more than ever before, but I have grown stronger in my faith and closer to the ones I love because of it. I have struggled with anxiety and depression for my entire life, and for the first time in a long time, I feel like I can survive anything. 2015 tried to break me, but it only made me stronger. That being said, I am truly hoping for a "sweet '16"!

    2015 wasn't all bad, I gained a brother in law and a step-nephew. And sweet baby Levi graced this world with his presence. I am thrilled about how our family had grown and how much love has been given over this year. I am not the same person I was this time last year, and after a year like this one, I know without a doubt I will never be the same again, but I think that might be for the best. I look forward to seeing what 2016 has in store for us. I pray the worst is behind us, but I have faith that even if it isn't, everything will be alright, one day at a time... Happy New Year, Y'all!

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Christmas(es) 2015

      Our Christmas celebrations didn't start out so great this year. We were supposed to start with Christmas Eve brunch at Liz and Brandon's, but instead we started with Rylee puking her guts up at 3 am on Christmas Eve. I was absolutely devastated. I felt horrible that Rylee Love was so sick, and I was also very sad to miss out on celebrating with my sisters. By around 11, Rylee finally felt better, so after a nap and a good bath, we started our own celebration to help lift all our spirits.
    The girls LOVED their gifts. They each got a book, a raincoat, and rain boots. Payton got dress up clothes, a peekaboo kitty, and a new babydoll with a carrier and diaper bag. Rylee got a Mario Cart wall climber, Super Mario Galaxy for the Wii, and a hover ball. After they went to bed Ryan and I exchanged our gifts. It turned out to be a good day afterall.
     On Christmas morning, the girls woke up and opened their stockings. They were thrilled to find so many goodies and make up and bath toys.
     Then we headed to Christmas Breakfast at Granny and Paw Paw's. We had delicious food, and great company. The girls had a blast playing together and opening presents. Aunt Vicki even organized a candy cane hunt throughout the house, The kids loved it.
     After breakfast, we went home for a nap. Rylee, Payton, and I were PASSED OUT. Haha. Then we headed to Nonna and Granddaddy's for Christmas dinner. Nonna made pot roast!!! That was the best gift I got for Christmas-haha! I love pot roast. We were thrilled! Then we opened gifts and just enjoyed spending time together. It was the perfect ending to a perfect day!
     On Saturday, Grandma and Grandpa came and we did Christmas with my side of the family. We always do a pajama party, and this year I personalized the kids' jammies. The looked extra adorable! We played, laughed, ate, and opened gifts. It was a blast.
   Even though everything didn't always go exactly as palnned, we had a very blessed Christmas. It is such a blessing to have so many people we love and who love us. I am so thankful for both of our families and for all the time we get to spend with those we love. Every moment is precious, but the holidays just magnify all those special relationships and how blessed we truly are.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Zoo Lights & Christmas City

    We had a weekend filled with Christmas fun. Saturday, we drove to Memphis to take the girls to Zoo Lights. It was so much fun. The weather was warm and perfect. The Zoo was crowded, but it's so big that it was not a problem.
   We walked around and enjoyed all the lights, int he entry way they even had snow machines. The girls loved that it was "snowing". We also rode the train and the carousel and then we ate and the girls played on the playground for a bit before we headed home. It was so much fun.

   Today we headed to Burlison to Christmas City with Liz, Brandon, Kaden, and Levi. It was a blast. There was no crowd at all, so the kids could walk around and look at whatever they wanted to. They loved it.

    Payton's favorite was the Minnie Mouse and Rylee's favorite was the Elsa, but they loved it all. There were so many new things, and they also loved looking at their favorite from years past.
    MY favorite part is the life of Jesus. The kids go from section to section talking all about what they see and what they know about Jesus's life. It is such a blessing to hear them speak the truth and want to learn more about Christ. It truly gets me into the Christmas spirit.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Mine and Kaden's birthdays

     I love my birthday, but I kinda wanted to stop aging at 25, so it felt like 26 snuck up on me. Haha! I woke up to a cake and gifts from my wonderful hubby, and that started my day off just right.
    Then I headed to school, and walked in to my kids shouting "Happy Birthday, Ms. Becca!" I love that. And my sweet assistant got me a card and a cake and the wonderful ladies on my wing bought me lunch. It was a great day. When we got home from school, we went to dinner with Nonna, Granddaddy, Granny, and Paw Paw. It was delicious, and the perfect way to wrap up my day.
    Unfortunately, as soon as my birthday was over, the stomach bug hit Payt. She woke up around midnight and got sick a couple more time between then and 4 am. After that she was better, but since she was sick that night, Ryan stayed home with her so she wouldn't spread her germs to her friends at daycare.
    Yesterday was Kaden's birthday party. He had a batman themed party at Bounce With Us. The kids had an absolute blast jumping and playing their hearts out.
    After the party, we went to Mary's house for lunch with my parents and sisters and their families. They gave me presents for my birthday and Chuck made a twix brownie dessert that was fabulous.
    Once we left Mary's we headed to Liz and Brandon's to check out Kaden's new "toy". He got a gas fourwheeler for his birthday, and it is really cool. They roe for a while, and Brandon rode them on his fourwheeler some, too. Then they headed inside to check out the rest of his new toys. It was a lot of fun. I would say we both had very good birthdays. I love sharing my birthday with him because it means I get to have lots of family time during my birthday week.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thanksgiving 2015

      Today is Thanksgiving, and we have had a wonderful day! First I am so thankful that I was able to get these super cute family photos this morning. Anyone with small children knows it takes a small miracle to get a shot where everyone is looking and smiling. I am just thrilled with how these turned out.
    We spent the day with family at Granny and Paw Paw's house. We ate a delicious meal, then we spent the rest of the day outside. The kids took turns swinging and sliding and riding the golf cart. The big "kids" had just as much fun on the golf cart as the littles did. It was an absolute blast.
    Now we are at home, and Payton is already in bed. She had a big day and no nap, so she was more than ready for bed by 530. Rylee Love is laid out on the couch watching cartoons; she's worn out, too. Ryan went with Josh and Mel to do some "black Friday" shopping. And I am enjoying the quiet house for a change. I have so much to be thankful for and days like this remind me of that. There is nothing better than spending a day laughing until it hurts with the people you love. I am thankful.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Family Time

     Today we kicked off our Thanksgiving celebrations by headed to Middle Tennessee to visit my parents. It was a gorgeous day, and I love the view at their mountain home in the Fall.
      The kids played and played and played some more, barely stopping to eat. While the adults pigged out on a Thanksgiving feast, the kids picked and nibbled for a second before jumping up and going right back to their playing.
    After lunch, Ben and I took the kids for a walk through the woods and it was a blast. They got to get out all of their energy before getting back in the car for another long ride home, and we got to work off some of the calories from lunch. We also got a chance to talk and catch up, and I am so thankful for those moments. It was a wonderful day. Now to get this last work week over with, so I can enjoy Thanksgiving break at home with my princesses!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Halloween 2015

    This was by far our craziest Halloween yet. It started on Friday at school. We finished out Drug Free week with "Boo to Drugs" day, and everyone got to wear their costumes to school. Rylee love dressed up as a fairy princess, and I joined the kindergarten teachers who dressed as "kindergarten cops" so I guess I was a "pre-k cop". It's not as catchy, but I was glad they let me join them, so I didn't have to think of something all on my own. :)
       There was a costume parade around the school, and it was a blast. Unfortunately the day went downhill from there. A stomach bug hit my class and it seemed like one after another was getting sick and going home. By the time we went trick or treating around the school I was down to 13 students (out of 20). It was insane. By the end of the day, I wasn't feeling so hot and I just knew the virus was coming for me next...
   When I got home my temp was 101.5, I took some ibuprofen and laid down, but it kept going up and ended up spiking at 103.9. I felt terrible. My whole body hurt. When I woke up Saturday morning, I headed straight to the local Urgent Care. I tested positive for strep. I was glad to know what it was so I could start feeling better. But I was also devastated that I couldn't take the girls trick or treating on Halloween.
     Ryan took over for me, and the girls had an absolute blast. They started at Granny's, then headed to Nonna's, then went to the Trunk or Treat at the church.
...And weren't they just the cutest little witches you ever did see?! I am so thankful for Ryan, and I'm so glad the girls were able to still have a good Halloween. Today I am finally starting to feel human again, and I am glad to be able to spend some time with my girls today before it's back to the real world tomorrow.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Fall Break 2015

     It has been a fabulous Fall Break! We started it off Saturday at Liz and Brandon's Uncle Ben came down to meet Baby Levi. Then Liz and Brandon had to take Levi to the Dr. to get his jaundice levels checked, so Kaden came and played at our house for a while. Then we headed back over for a pizza night. It was a lot of fun, especially getting lots of Levi snuggles.

     Sunday, Ryan, the girls, Nonna, Granddaddy, and I headed to Donnell Century Farms in Jackson. It was so much fun. We went on a hay ride. The girls slid down a giant tube slide, played in corn boxes, and rode on a cow train. We went through a corn maze, watched pig races, saw farm animal, and s much more. It was just an absolute blast.
   The girls' favorite part was picking out their pumpkins. Payt fell asleep holding hers on the way home. It was too precious.
     Monday, I caught up on housework, then took the girls outside to paint their pumpkins. They were both so meticulous in getting their pumpkins to look exactly how they wanted them. It was a lot of fun.
     Tuesday, I took the girls to the Dr for Payt's 2 year check up and for the girls to get their flu vaccines. After we left the Dr, we went to Chikfila to eat and play. After we brought daddy some lunch at work, we headed to Aunt Liz's house to snuggle Levi and play with Kaden.
    Wednesday, I tried my hand at photography to try to get some Fall pictures of the girls. They turned out okay, but I think I'll leave all future photography endeavors to Liz. She just does it so much better...
     Thursday, I had to go to the eye Dr, so the girls spent the morning at Granny and Paw Paw's, then we went to lunch with Liz, Kaden, and Levi. Then Kaden came over to play for a while while Liz took Levi for a check-up.
     Friday, we went to Memphis to LeBonheur Zoo Boo. It was so much fun. The girls were able to trick or treat, watch a magic show, ride rides, and see some animals. The whole Zoo was decorated for Halloween and lit up in spooky lights. The girls absolutely loved it.
    We don't have any plans for this weekend, and I kind of like that. It's a nice way to wrap up Fall Break, by just spending some time as a family at home. I have had such an amazing Fall Break, and I am glad for the extra time. I have gotten so much embroidery done. Here are a few of my favorites! I've been doing Embroidery as a side business for about 6 months now, and I really enjoy it. You can check it out at