Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Thursday, May 31, 2012

We're Home

       Our last day in Destin was marvelous! We spent a fun morning on the beach, came in so that Rylee could have a nap, and then we went on a Dolphin Cruise that night. It was such a wonderful experience. Rylee was obsessed with the dolphins. She talked nonstop while we could see them.
      Wednesday, we made the LONG trip home. I was amazed with Rylee yet again. She is such a well-behaved little lady. She adjusted to the whole trip very well. She was good on the drive and she was great at the condo. I am very proud that my toddler behaves so well even in unfamiliar environments.
       Now, it's back to the real world. I need to balance the checkbook, get my background check done, sign my contract for the upcoming school year, and get the apartment back in order. But today, I didn't feel like doing any of those things, so I headed over to Liz's to do Rylee's 2 year pictures. They turned out amazing. Tomorrow, I will get all of those things done.
      Tomorrow we start a new adventure: potty training! Ah! We've introduced the concept to Rylee, but now it's time for the real deal. This whole thing is very intimidating! Wish us luck!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Rylee's First Vacation

       Early Saturday morning, Nonna and Granddaddy pulled up to our apartment and we headed towards Florida. After a long day in the car we finally arrived in Destin around 5 pm. It was well worth the long drive to see Rylee's face as we crossed the Bay Bridge and she saw the ocean for the very first time. I am so very proud of her. She was in the car for over 10 hours on Saturday without a single meltdown. She has adjusted to being in a new place so easily. She has been very mellow and happy. I just can't believe how smoothly this vacation is going.
      Yesterday morning, we took Rylee in the ocean for the first time. I made her wear a life vest because I am a very protective mommy, but she loved the water nonetheless. She loves to hop over the waves with her daddy and splash wit her mommy. She loves to play in the sand and enjoy snack time on the beach. Of course, I am taking tons of pictures. I always do. I want to remember every moment with my Rylee Love. She just grows so quickly.
     Tonight, after a day at the beach and a wonderful dinner at Fudpucker's, we went to The Track. It's an arcade/fun park here in Destin. Rylee rode the rides in the kid's park all by herself. I cannot believe my baby is old enough to ride amusement rides all by herself! She rode the swings, a teacup-type ride, and a mini Ferris wheel. She loved them all. She's such a big girl!
      Tomorrow is our last full day in Destin; then we are heading home Wednesday morning. Tomorrow night we are taking a Dolphin Cruise. I know Rylee will love being out on the ocean on a big boat. She has loved every aspect of this vacation thus far. It is funny to me how we are on vacation, but all I care about is that she is having a good time. Her happiness makes me happy. I love showing her new things and allowing her to have some great new experiences. My world completely revolves around her now and I wouldn't have it any other way. Going on vacation with a child is a lot different that going before you become a parent. I don't want to do things that don't involve her and I don't mind giving up those things. Being her parent and watching her learn and make new connections is the most fun I could imagine having.

Friday, May 25, 2012

I'm a Teacher!

     Wednesday, I had an interview at Ripley Primary School. The interview seemed to go well, and at the end of it, Mrs. Treadway told me that if I got the job I'd know by Friday. Well, I didn't get a call yesterday, so this morning I was pretty nervous wondering if I would get a call today or not. I basically stared at my phone all morning. Then, around 10 it finally rang! Mrs. Treadway offered me a first-grade teaching position, and I accepted. I have to submit some paperwork to the board and sign my contract, but as soon as I do that, she's going to give me the keys to my very own classroom!!! Ah!!! This is all so surreal. I love summer break, but I almost want to fast forward to August and meet my babies! I'm going to have my very own class full of first graders!!!! Yay! :)

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Some of My Crazy...

     Lately, I have been pretty stressed out and it seems like it just keeps getting worse, so I thought writing about it might help. I have gone back and forth about it because I am not sure how much of my crazy I want to let out onto the world wide web, but I do not think that I am feeling anything that every other person has not felt before. Everyone gets stressed, everyone gets disappointed, everyone gets sad from time to time, so I figured sharing could not hurt.
     So... What has me so stressed out? Let's see.
  1. Ryan got laid of from work and unemployment checks are literally half of what he was making, never mind that we lost benefits, too. We have some savings, but our lifestyle has to change drastically in order to make them last. 
  2. Rylee has been going through a defiant stage. This can be a good thing, she is learning to be independent and make her own choices and trust herself, but it's hard to remember that this is a good thing when she is opposing me on every little thing throughout the day.
  3. I just graduated college which is amazing, but that also technically makes me unemployed. That scares me. I have had some good leads on hopeful teaching positions, but obviously no contracts have been signed this early in the summer, so it makes me slightly nervous that August will find me jobless. It's also a possibility.
  4. Next week we are taking Rylee on her first vacation with Ryan's family. I have no idea how she is going to react being in a brand new place with little to no alone time, which she has begun to desire more and more of. I get the feeling it's going to be anything but relaxing.
  5. I am feeling a lot of pressure to be perfect. I need to have a better body before going to the beach, so I cut out some of my favorite foods and vamped up my workout. I need to be the perfect mom, so I feel so guilty when I lose my patience with Rylee's strong personality. I need to be the perfect wife, so even though Ryan knows how I'm feeling, I feel like I shouldn't talk about it too much, so I keep it in.
     But I don't want to end this on a bad note. There is a lot of good going on in my life, too. Rylee went to the nursery at church today and for the first time ever, so played and didn't cry. She's learning so quickly and becoming so smart. I can't wait to see what the future holds for this very special little lady. I am excited about taking Rylee on her first vacation and showing her the beach and the ocean. It might be crazy, but it's also going to be a lot of fun. I also am very blessed to have a place to live, a family I adore, 2 vehicles that run, and food on our table. And no matter how scary this all is, I KNOW that God has a plan for us that is better than we could ever imagine. It's just the waiting to see how it all unfolds that can be a little tough.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

3 Years Strong

      Today, Ryan and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary. We got married on May 16, 2009 at 2 pm. I can't believe three years have already gone by since that beautiful day. So much has changed and our lives are more wonderful than I could have ever imagined. Living in a home that is filled with love is so much better than anything else one could desire.
      Getting married at 19 was a risky decision, but we made that decision 'til death do we part. As young and stupid as we were back then, I will never ever regret that decision even for a second. Everything turned out exactly the way that it should be. We found out we were going to be parents a little over 4 months into our marriage. That really changed everything. Rylee wouldn't be here now if we hadn't chose to get married so young, so I'm very glad we did! I love my little family so dearly!
    Since December, I have lost a little over 20 lbs and over 12 inches combined. I think it shows in this photo. My face looks thinner now than it has in over 2 years. All I can say is: it's about time I lose this baby weight! Haha! I'm almost there... :)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

      Today is Mother's Day and it has been a fantastic day! I am so blessed with such a special little family. Ryan and Rylee mean the world to me and I couldn't imagine my life without them. They spoil me on a daily basis. Ryan is such an amazing helper and supporter. He would do anything for me at anytime and he's got me pretty spoiled. Rylee is just such a good girl. She runs up and hugs me every time she sees me and she loves me with all she has. I couldn't ask for a better daughter.
      Even though I am spoiled on a daily basis, today I have been even more spoiled. Since we are at a transition in our lives, gifts that cost money aren't really an option, but who needs them, right? Yesterday, Ryan worked with Rylee to make me a Mother's Day card. It was far more precious to me than anything money could buy. Today I have been off-duty. Ryan has changed, fed, and tended to Rylee whenever she needs, he cooked me lunch and served it to me, then he made me a big bowl of ice cream and watched a romantic comedy with me. :) I plan on spending the rest of the day playing with Rylee and then reading a novel before bed: perfection.
     Here's a picture of Rylee and I from last Mother's Day. We sure have changed a lot in a year's time! :) This morning we went to church. There was a lovely service on the importance of having a Christ-centered home. I believe strongly in raising Rylee to be close to her savior, and I feel that the only way to do that is to be a good example for her in my walk with the Lord. Things have come a long way since I first became a parent and I learn every day, but I know with God's guidance, Rylee will turn out just fine even if I do make a few mistakes along the way. 

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Long Distance Family

      Monday, Mary and Bailey went back to Missouri. After a week-long break with lots of time to think and spend time with family, Mary decided to try to make everything work for their little family. I am very proud of her for making this difficult decision; sometimes giving up is the easier option, but I believe in making every effort to make things work out before calling it quits. However, I wish they didn't have to go back. I miss them so much! Rylee has asked about Bailey and Mary at least once every single day. It's hard having family that lives far away.
       Speaking of family that lives far away, Melanie and Austin have been here visiting this week. They went home this morning. It has been so good to see them this week. Austin is getting so big, and this has been our first chance to really get to know him. He has the sweetest little personality. He is always smiling or laughing or talking. He's just so stinkin' cute! Rylee was really sweet with him. It was kinda an off week for her adjusting from having Mary and Bailey here for a week and she is struggling with some sinus issues, so she wasn't at her best, but she still had some very sweet moments with baby Austin and Aunt "May-may"! :)
     It makes me so sad that we can't be a bigger part of Austin's life, but I should be used to that feeling by now. Elizabeth, Kaden, and Brandon are my only family left in Ripley. I love them so much and enjoy my time with them immensely, but I still miss the rest of my family, too. Then I also have Ryan's parents, grandparents, aunt, and two of his cousins here which are now my family, too. But it is still hard missing so many people every day. Thank God for technology so I can at least stay updated and keep the people I love updated with what we're doing, too. Somehow, it's just not the same...

Sunday, May 6, 2012


      Yesterday was my graduation day. I graduated from the University of Memphis Suma Cum Laude with a Bachelors in Human Development and Learning (Early Childhood Education). I am so excited for the next chapter in my life. It's weird to think I am officially done with school and I can begin my career now. I think it'll hit me more in the Fall when I have my very own class!
     Graduation was hectic. Rylee was so upset that she couldn't come sit with me. Ryan had a really hard time trying to keep her quiet during the ceremony. Along with Rylee were Bailey and Kaden and also baby Austin was there, too. So there were a lot of upset little ones sitting in the crowd cheering me on.
     Even though it was very hectic, it was an amazing experience. The ceremony got to be a bit long and slightly boring at parts, but when we got to stand and move our tassels from the right side to the left, it was an amazing feeling. Walking across that stage and shaking hands with President Raines was amazing. I can't believe I have my bachelors degree! :)
     Now I am officially a teacher. I remember going to Liz's graduation and watching her begin her career as an educator and beginning to really decide that I wanted to do the same thing with my life. Now we are both teachers! Friday, I had an interview with the administrators at Ripley Elementary School where Liz teaches. They told me they are considering me for a position in the same grade that Elizabeth teaches in, 3rd. I think it would be absolutely amazing to be able to work alongside my sister and do what I have always wanted to do. Time will tell.... :)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Have Faith

      I have been finished with school for 5 days. In 3 days, I will graduate from the University of Memphis with my Bachelors in Human Development and Learning (Early Childhood Education). My life is at a turning point. Friday will be Ryan's last day working for American Greetings due to a company layoff. He has just finished his degree program at the Tennessee Technology Center in Ripley. He has two more certification tests he needs to take before he can start applying for positions within his desired areas. Those tests are scheduled for May 18th and 23rd. He is at a turning point in his life. Our little family is headed for some changes, but I have a peace in my heart because I know that I serve a God who has a plan for our lives. I trust him and I know that even if I do not receive my reward for my faith within this life, I will find my eternal reward with him some day. he is also showing me how blessed I am just to have Ryan and Rylee. I love them both so much and they are so wonderful to me. Ryan is the most attentive, caring, compassionate, intelligent, hard-working, provider of a husband I have ever known. He is also an amazing father and an amazing uncle. I just adore him so much.
     Sunday, my sister made a very difficult decision to take some time apart from her husband of two years. She and her sweet little girl have been visiting us for the past few days. Rylee and Bailey have been having SO much fun together. I have enjoyed their visit, too. Their lives are definitely at a turning point, too. With all these changes occurring all around, it seems to me that life is an ever-changing adventure. It can be exciting and scary and difficult, but most of all it is unpredictable. You can't plan for everything, but you can face each challenge with a sense of hope or with a sense of dread: your choice.
      People try to find happiness but I'm not sure happiness can be found. It is a state of mind, a decision to be made. I think happiness has to do with making a decision to be content with what you have and enjoy each experience life throws your way. The main way to find happiness is to develop a trusting relationship with God. When life throws you curve balls, the only thing that can keep you strong is faith. Stress and worry are signs of doubt. I try to remember that and give all of my concerns to my Lord. It baffles me sometimes when I see Christians who are constantly stressed out or upset about everything that displeases them about their lives. Faith is not conditional. If you believe God is strong enough to save you from a life of sin and torment, you have to believe that God is big enough to take care of your worries and turn them around for good. That is just my take on things.
    On a final note of faith, my little Kade-man will be put under for surgery to place tubes in his ears tomorrow morning. I have faith that this procedure will improve his quality of health and life, and I have faith that God will be with him and his parents tomorrow as he undergoes this procedure. I love that little man so very much and I am thankful that he will be able to finally live his life free from nasty ear infections! :)