Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Long Distance Family

      Monday, Mary and Bailey went back to Missouri. After a week-long break with lots of time to think and spend time with family, Mary decided to try to make everything work for their little family. I am very proud of her for making this difficult decision; sometimes giving up is the easier option, but I believe in making every effort to make things work out before calling it quits. However, I wish they didn't have to go back. I miss them so much! Rylee has asked about Bailey and Mary at least once every single day. It's hard having family that lives far away.
       Speaking of family that lives far away, Melanie and Austin have been here visiting this week. They went home this morning. It has been so good to see them this week. Austin is getting so big, and this has been our first chance to really get to know him. He has the sweetest little personality. He is always smiling or laughing or talking. He's just so stinkin' cute! Rylee was really sweet with him. It was kinda an off week for her adjusting from having Mary and Bailey here for a week and she is struggling with some sinus issues, so she wasn't at her best, but she still had some very sweet moments with baby Austin and Aunt "May-may"! :)
     It makes me so sad that we can't be a bigger part of Austin's life, but I should be used to that feeling by now. Elizabeth, Kaden, and Brandon are my only family left in Ripley. I love them so much and enjoy my time with them immensely, but I still miss the rest of my family, too. Then I also have Ryan's parents, grandparents, aunt, and two of his cousins here which are now my family, too. But it is still hard missing so many people every day. Thank God for technology so I can at least stay updated and keep the people I love updated with what we're doing, too. Somehow, it's just not the same...

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