Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, May 6, 2012


      Yesterday was my graduation day. I graduated from the University of Memphis Suma Cum Laude with a Bachelors in Human Development and Learning (Early Childhood Education). I am so excited for the next chapter in my life. It's weird to think I am officially done with school and I can begin my career now. I think it'll hit me more in the Fall when I have my very own class!
     Graduation was hectic. Rylee was so upset that she couldn't come sit with me. Ryan had a really hard time trying to keep her quiet during the ceremony. Along with Rylee were Bailey and Kaden and also baby Austin was there, too. So there were a lot of upset little ones sitting in the crowd cheering me on.
     Even though it was very hectic, it was an amazing experience. The ceremony got to be a bit long and slightly boring at parts, but when we got to stand and move our tassels from the right side to the left, it was an amazing feeling. Walking across that stage and shaking hands with President Raines was amazing. I can't believe I have my bachelors degree! :)
     Now I am officially a teacher. I remember going to Liz's graduation and watching her begin her career as an educator and beginning to really decide that I wanted to do the same thing with my life. Now we are both teachers! Friday, I had an interview with the administrators at Ripley Elementary School where Liz teaches. They told me they are considering me for a position in the same grade that Elizabeth teaches in, 3rd. I think it would be absolutely amazing to be able to work alongside my sister and do what I have always wanted to do. Time will tell.... :)

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