Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Thursday, May 31, 2012

We're Home

       Our last day in Destin was marvelous! We spent a fun morning on the beach, came in so that Rylee could have a nap, and then we went on a Dolphin Cruise that night. It was such a wonderful experience. Rylee was obsessed with the dolphins. She talked nonstop while we could see them.
      Wednesday, we made the LONG trip home. I was amazed with Rylee yet again. She is such a well-behaved little lady. She adjusted to the whole trip very well. She was good on the drive and she was great at the condo. I am very proud that my toddler behaves so well even in unfamiliar environments.
       Now, it's back to the real world. I need to balance the checkbook, get my background check done, sign my contract for the upcoming school year, and get the apartment back in order. But today, I didn't feel like doing any of those things, so I headed over to Liz's to do Rylee's 2 year pictures. They turned out amazing. Tomorrow, I will get all of those things done.
      Tomorrow we start a new adventure: potty training! Ah! We've introduced the concept to Rylee, but now it's time for the real deal. This whole thing is very intimidating! Wish us luck!

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