Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

      Today is Mother's Day and it has been a fantastic day! I am so blessed with such a special little family. Ryan and Rylee mean the world to me and I couldn't imagine my life without them. They spoil me on a daily basis. Ryan is such an amazing helper and supporter. He would do anything for me at anytime and he's got me pretty spoiled. Rylee is just such a good girl. She runs up and hugs me every time she sees me and she loves me with all she has. I couldn't ask for a better daughter.
      Even though I am spoiled on a daily basis, today I have been even more spoiled. Since we are at a transition in our lives, gifts that cost money aren't really an option, but who needs them, right? Yesterday, Ryan worked with Rylee to make me a Mother's Day card. It was far more precious to me than anything money could buy. Today I have been off-duty. Ryan has changed, fed, and tended to Rylee whenever she needs, he cooked me lunch and served it to me, then he made me a big bowl of ice cream and watched a romantic comedy with me. :) I plan on spending the rest of the day playing with Rylee and then reading a novel before bed: perfection.
     Here's a picture of Rylee and I from last Mother's Day. We sure have changed a lot in a year's time! :) This morning we went to church. There was a lovely service on the importance of having a Christ-centered home. I believe strongly in raising Rylee to be close to her savior, and I feel that the only way to do that is to be a good example for her in my walk with the Lord. Things have come a long way since I first became a parent and I learn every day, but I know with God's guidance, Rylee will turn out just fine even if I do make a few mistakes along the way. 

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