Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Monday, May 28, 2012

Rylee's First Vacation

       Early Saturday morning, Nonna and Granddaddy pulled up to our apartment and we headed towards Florida. After a long day in the car we finally arrived in Destin around 5 pm. It was well worth the long drive to see Rylee's face as we crossed the Bay Bridge and she saw the ocean for the very first time. I am so very proud of her. She was in the car for over 10 hours on Saturday without a single meltdown. She has adjusted to being in a new place so easily. She has been very mellow and happy. I just can't believe how smoothly this vacation is going.
      Yesterday morning, we took Rylee in the ocean for the first time. I made her wear a life vest because I am a very protective mommy, but she loved the water nonetheless. She loves to hop over the waves with her daddy and splash wit her mommy. She loves to play in the sand and enjoy snack time on the beach. Of course, I am taking tons of pictures. I always do. I want to remember every moment with my Rylee Love. She just grows so quickly.
     Tonight, after a day at the beach and a wonderful dinner at Fudpucker's, we went to The Track. It's an arcade/fun park here in Destin. Rylee rode the rides in the kid's park all by herself. I cannot believe my baby is old enough to ride amusement rides all by herself! She rode the swings, a teacup-type ride, and a mini Ferris wheel. She loved them all. She's such a big girl!
      Tomorrow is our last full day in Destin; then we are heading home Wednesday morning. Tomorrow night we are taking a Dolphin Cruise. I know Rylee will love being out on the ocean on a big boat. She has loved every aspect of this vacation thus far. It is funny to me how we are on vacation, but all I care about is that she is having a good time. Her happiness makes me happy. I love showing her new things and allowing her to have some great new experiences. My world completely revolves around her now and I wouldn't have it any other way. Going on vacation with a child is a lot different that going before you become a parent. I don't want to do things that don't involve her and I don't mind giving up those things. Being her parent and watching her learn and make new connections is the most fun I could imagine having.

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